Song Of Solomon

Our film Song of Solomon has been accepted into the July, 2020 edition of the New York 2020 Lift-Off Global Film Festival. It will play for one week, and we will provide the link once we are provided with the dates.
Our film Song of Solomon has been accepted into the July, 2020 edition of the New York 2020 Lift-Off Global Film Festival. It will play for one week, and we will provide the link once we are provided with the dates.
The German Federal Health Institute (the counterpart of the US CDC) is named for Nobel laureate Robert Koch, who among his numerous achievements, discovered the cause of tuberculosis. He also played a prominent role in “colonial medicine,” giving rise to a debate over whether The Robert Koch Institute should be renamed. Our piece on the controversy for Nano/3sat can be seen here:
Nelson performed at The Bear Presents Eve of the Champs, telling his story entitled “Show Me the Way,” about the time in the ’90’s new “friends” attempted to induct him into a cult. Given the Covid-19 restrictions, most watched on Zoom, as the live audience was kept limited and socially distanced. The full show is now available on-line, as is a trailer for the event. You can also watch the story My First Crime Spree which qualified Nelson for the Champs’ Eve.
Photos Martin Bering
Our piece about the rise of Socialism in the U.S. was aired on Super Tuesday. We produced it for Kulturzeit/ 3sat: